Please complete the below application in its entirety to have your company considered for the Sacramento Kings Capitalize startup contest.
Form Is Closed
Company Name
Company Website
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Email Address
Contact Cell Phone
Zip Code
Stage of Company
- Select --
Sales Gen Revenue
Finished Product
Cash Flow Positive
Company Status
-- Select --
Sole Proprietor
Not Registered
Total Lifetime Company Revenue
-- Select --
How did you hear about the contest?
1000 character limit
Please describe the problem your company solves.
1000 character limit
How does your company solve this problem?
1000 character limit
How is your solution different than what already exists?
1000 character limit
What is the market size or opportunity?
1000 character limit
What is your business model?
1000 character limit
How has the company been funded to date?
1000 character limit
How much funding have you raised to date?
-- Select --
Please tell us about your team. Why are you the best people to solve this problem?
1000 character limit
Links to additional documents or social media properties that will help showcase your company.
1000 character limit